Now i know i havent got much to complain about in life........
i have more than the essentials needed.....a good house...check
a tv with cable.....check
my music....check
my game stations....check.....
a good set of pals.....check
kickass parents.....check.....
but there still are things that really get my goat and probably make mutton kababs out of here i usual ranting about things and as usual nothing can be done bout em
1:People who act fake or try to be cool:i have been all across the world but i have neer come across people and the way they act in calcutta
i mean at the malls all the wannabes....the people who try to act cool and when guys try so hard to impress chicks and all doing things which they are not good at
2:chicks who like the people i just wrote about in 1:yes i hate it when chicks fall for those fakeys
3:people trying to speak english when they obviously cant:i dont need to explain this do i?
please i dont try to speak languages i dont know.....and people who dont know english shoudnt try shld be a crime to speak the language if a person doesnt know it
4:people getting surprised when they learn bout my comps condition:if you know me for more than 3 years should know that my computer crashes a lot....and so does most of the electronics i own/use....aka THE CURSE
5:people getting offended by my jokes and abuses:please ....dont make faces etc when i start abusing and cursing or joking.....if you dont like it......get the fuck out of my abuse range..........i promise i wont go after you if you are like 500 miles away from me.....i promise
6:people who dont like my taste in music: i got 2 words for them...fuck off....
7:manu fans:i dont think i need to write much about them scumbags....douchebags...losers....jerks
8:and for the time being and the one thing i do hate a lot are/is biharis.....will tell all bout em in me next blog for sure.....!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
EVS.....oh dear lord EVS
We all can agree that there sure as hell is a lot of industrialization going on all around the world ......the rate of pollution has sky rocketed over the past decade or so....strict laws have been implemented for emissions and protection of the environment.....but all this is secondary.....we the "young" must know about the to protect it....sustain it.....make sure it aint polluted....and i guess this all must start with knowledge about the in the summer of 2006 when we class 11 students came back for the new session we got a little surprise....we had a new subject to study for the ISC's[yes we all could hear the collective groans and moans.....]...ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES or better know an EVS.....which was made a compulsary subject for all students from 2006....
now that was ok....i mean it is important for all of us to learn about probably the greatest natural resource and all....and so to impart knowledge there must good teachers who will do the needful....but unfortunately what we got was a crying whore and a gutless lets get it started
for all the class 11s and 12s we got a teacher called Mrs Chaudhury or something like that.....but that wasnt her name....her name was Sonali Basu Roy Chaudhury...why would a person have 3 surnames?......well we knew the answer to that....becoz everyday when she would come to class she would look like a whore....and i am not exaggerating ......really sloppy make up...always panting heavily....and the fact that she was probably one of the few "good" looking teachers made it an even greater problem for her to cope with us "boys"....
yes we boys didnt cut her any slack at most of us...[barring the good boys like me and me group]...would really wanna "get" her real bad....but then she would often do really stupid idiotic things which made absolutely no sense whatsoever.....
for example it was rakhi....and as usual time for something stupid for this lady to she decides to tie a rakhi on every guys wrist.....yes again collective groans could be heard a mile away.....the commerce students were really upset....with a certain guy even telling maam "kya maam bhai bana diya?"...what else would she make of him?.....then there was the crying ...OH DEAR GOD....every alternate day she would cry and sob for more than half the period......
dear lord she went on like this everyday...once in a while she would pop up with real crazy once we were all shouting and screaming in the class as usual....and she was trying to control us....she gave up after a few minutes and she sat down and started we learnt that the best way to deal with her is to ignore she cried some more and then shouted out
baaaaam utter silence .....everystopped one was moving and we all just stared at her....and she explained as to why she cant have any children...[she couldnt bear em for some biological reason...]....but the point is you dont say that in front of anyone let alone in front of the STB students........
she even had time to accuse one of the accounts teachers of sexual he didnt do nothing...but apparently did send her some lewd sms' which offended her...and as usual she made a big deal out of it....and i was the one who broke the news of the teacher to the students of my class....well that is one good deed in my life....
sadly the teacher was forced into leaving the school.....
the other freak i was talking bout is a guy called Talukdar....JOY TALUKDAR...although i never did have a class with him .......he was the other evs teacher....and one incident made headlines....well at least in my school which again is a big deal.....
so it was an isc exam and joy was just passing by the big auditorium where the commerce students were seated.......and just to show he had balls....he caught atif[a goonda] on the school cheating or talking with some other kid in the exams hall.....and he said something to atif....
atif crouched on his seat and blurted softly
"fuck you"
well talukdar heard that and took matters into his own hands or mouth i should say
he turned around and shouted loudly in the hall
wow....amazing....why dont days like these happen everyday?
now that was ok....i mean it is important for all of us to learn about probably the greatest natural resource and all....and so to impart knowledge there must good teachers who will do the needful....but unfortunately what we got was a crying whore and a gutless lets get it started
for all the class 11s and 12s we got a teacher called Mrs Chaudhury or something like that.....but that wasnt her name....her name was Sonali Basu Roy Chaudhury...why would a person have 3 surnames?......well we knew the answer to that....becoz everyday when she would come to class she would look like a whore....and i am not exaggerating ......really sloppy make up...always panting heavily....and the fact that she was probably one of the few "good" looking teachers made it an even greater problem for her to cope with us "boys"....
yes we boys didnt cut her any slack at most of us...[barring the good boys like me and me group]...would really wanna "get" her real bad....but then she would often do really stupid idiotic things which made absolutely no sense whatsoever.....
for example it was rakhi....and as usual time for something stupid for this lady to she decides to tie a rakhi on every guys wrist.....yes again collective groans could be heard a mile away.....the commerce students were really upset....with a certain guy even telling maam "kya maam bhai bana diya?"...what else would she make of him?.....then there was the crying ...OH DEAR GOD....every alternate day she would cry and sob for more than half the period......
dear lord she went on like this everyday...once in a while she would pop up with real crazy once we were all shouting and screaming in the class as usual....and she was trying to control us....she gave up after a few minutes and she sat down and started we learnt that the best way to deal with her is to ignore she cried some more and then shouted out
baaaaam utter silence .....everystopped one was moving and we all just stared at her....and she explained as to why she cant have any children...[she couldnt bear em for some biological reason...]....but the point is you dont say that in front of anyone let alone in front of the STB students........
she even had time to accuse one of the accounts teachers of sexual he didnt do nothing...but apparently did send her some lewd sms' which offended her...and as usual she made a big deal out of it....and i was the one who broke the news of the teacher to the students of my class....well that is one good deed in my life....
sadly the teacher was forced into leaving the school.....
the other freak i was talking bout is a guy called Talukdar....JOY TALUKDAR...although i never did have a class with him .......he was the other evs teacher....and one incident made headlines....well at least in my school which again is a big deal.....
so it was an isc exam and joy was just passing by the big auditorium where the commerce students were seated.......and just to show he had balls....he caught atif[a goonda] on the school cheating or talking with some other kid in the exams hall.....and he said something to atif....
atif crouched on his seat and blurted softly
"fuck you"
well talukdar heard that and took matters into his own hands or mouth i should say
he turned around and shouted loudly in the hall
wow....amazing....why dont days like these happen everyday?
Thursday, July 16, 2009
This blog is about probably one of the greatest students ever to have graced our fine school STB,i am of course talking bout Mirzanoor whose second name i cannot remember.....yes this guy was and probably is one of the shining members of our school but he was never known for his academic brilliance like you all must think....well you all must know by now that my school wasnt known for its academic performance.....well the girls school was always wayyyyyy better than the guys i was saying this guy MIRZANOOR was/is a small kid in STB who would always speak in bengali but when he spoke in english it was hilarious....last i heard about him was that he was driving a cab around calcutta and once was caught red handed shop lifting at Forum.....yes the same one i go to see flix.......
one of his best and meanest jokes was on a bloke called the name you would know he was a white guy as we indians called an "Anglo" i remember just a couple of Anglos in me school Cedric and as per all norms the minority group is always picked on by some other low life....i was picked on quite a bit during my early years but i had never seen a white guy getting picked on
well that was until i came to STB that is.....
so Alistar apparently had this amazingly hot smoking gorgeous sister....and so mirzanoor would often go to him and shout out to his face
suzane was of course alistar's sister.....but the funny thing was alistar never retorted back.....i guess he was really scared coz he was a minority in the school or at least in the science batch on class 9-10
Of course Mirzanoor didnt pick on just the white guys in school.....oh no...he wouldnt leave anyone let alone one of the most lame ass teachers ever Dr Alok Sarkar ....who was a biology teacher,now he was a typically bong...the glasses...the cheap shirt....the bad accent.....the punctuality...the etiquette....and of course being ball less .......
so one day he was showing us an experiment as to how some plants produce oxygen know the one in which a plant is kept underwater and it produces oxygen bubbles which rise up from the bottom of the water and rise to the the experiment was on and the teacher/sir/loser Alok was waiting fo the bubbles to rise....and when they started he asked us in his cheap bong accent....
"Boyz wheeech gaaaass eeessss theeees?"
mirzanoor was sitting rite up in front next to Alok and said
"Sir thees is Fooocking gas.......
Focking gas......."
now normally a teacher would slap the student ....but since this was Alok all he did was tattle and tell all to the Bio head Pachu....yes his name is pachu gopal dutta....i dont make this shit up ....i just tell it......and of course pachu took no action as well.......losers
but its not that our dear friend mirza never got what he deserved....he was taught a lesson one the students in fact a guy called imrano.....yes the same guy who uploaded a ton o pics on orkut as to how "cool" he looked[he actually looked more gay than bobby darling]....but goes the incident
as usual mirza was trying to pester someone and he found his was to be he constantly is bugging him all the time....pestering him...calling him names....and the know the STB treatment as i would call it.....and off he goes.....
imrano on the other hand tries to keep cool and warns the guy a couple of times and tells him either to shut up or face the consequences.....but my dear mirza when will thou learn that you cant win em he keeps on ripping on poor old imran.........imran finally snaps and heads to mirza to beat him up....
mirza to his credit doesnt run away but like some heavyweight boxer acts cocky and responds in his ever so irritating but funny voice
"Ebaare hobee fiiighhhhtiiiiiiinnnnng"
now the cockiness is good for ay boxer and i thought that mirza would whallop imran....and 5 mins later it was all done....
imran was back in his chair....mirza was in his.....but imran beat the living day lights out of him in a headlock and gave him a ton of punches....
mirza ended up seeing a ton of stars and was holding his head in pain.....for once he did NOT have a comback.....
one of his best and meanest jokes was on a bloke called the name you would know he was a white guy as we indians called an "Anglo" i remember just a couple of Anglos in me school Cedric and as per all norms the minority group is always picked on by some other low life....i was picked on quite a bit during my early years but i had never seen a white guy getting picked on
well that was until i came to STB that is.....
so Alistar apparently had this amazingly hot smoking gorgeous sister....and so mirzanoor would often go to him and shout out to his face
suzane was of course alistar's sister.....but the funny thing was alistar never retorted back.....i guess he was really scared coz he was a minority in the school or at least in the science batch on class 9-10
Of course Mirzanoor didnt pick on just the white guys in school.....oh no...he wouldnt leave anyone let alone one of the most lame ass teachers ever Dr Alok Sarkar ....who was a biology teacher,now he was a typically bong...the glasses...the cheap shirt....the bad accent.....the punctuality...the etiquette....and of course being ball less .......
so one day he was showing us an experiment as to how some plants produce oxygen know the one in which a plant is kept underwater and it produces oxygen bubbles which rise up from the bottom of the water and rise to the the experiment was on and the teacher/sir/loser Alok was waiting fo the bubbles to rise....and when they started he asked us in his cheap bong accent....
"Boyz wheeech gaaaass eeessss theeees?"
mirzanoor was sitting rite up in front next to Alok and said
"Sir thees is Fooocking gas.......
Focking gas......."
now normally a teacher would slap the student ....but since this was Alok all he did was tattle and tell all to the Bio head Pachu....yes his name is pachu gopal dutta....i dont make this shit up ....i just tell it......and of course pachu took no action as well.......losers
but its not that our dear friend mirza never got what he deserved....he was taught a lesson one the students in fact a guy called imrano.....yes the same guy who uploaded a ton o pics on orkut as to how "cool" he looked[he actually looked more gay than bobby darling]....but goes the incident
as usual mirza was trying to pester someone and he found his was to be he constantly is bugging him all the time....pestering him...calling him names....and the know the STB treatment as i would call it.....and off he goes.....
imrano on the other hand tries to keep cool and warns the guy a couple of times and tells him either to shut up or face the consequences.....but my dear mirza when will thou learn that you cant win em he keeps on ripping on poor old imran.........imran finally snaps and heads to mirza to beat him up....
mirza to his credit doesnt run away but like some heavyweight boxer acts cocky and responds in his ever so irritating but funny voice
"Ebaare hobee fiiighhhhtiiiiiiinnnnng"
now the cockiness is good for ay boxer and i thought that mirza would whallop imran....and 5 mins later it was all done....
imran was back in his chair....mirza was in his.....but imran beat the living day lights out of him in a headlock and gave him a ton of punches....
mirza ended up seeing a ton of stars and was holding his head in pain.....for once he did NOT have a comback.....
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Dance Dance Dance!
Now we all know i am a "man" with numerous talents ....abusing...joking....finding good porno.....making wisecracks.......knowing a good deal bout a ton of sports.....even playing my synth quite well......but the one thing i have miserably failed at is dancing...[and studying...but thats another story for another day].....dancing is the one thing that i just cant seem to do....and its not coz i look stupid and idiotic when i do it....i look the same when i do or try anything....and i would dance even if i looked like a drunk on his birthday....i have absolutely no shame at most of you would and should know by now.....but some sort of fear grips me over whenever music is played and people ask or invite me to dance....
usually i end up making some lame ass excuse like "my leg hurts...." or "i had too much to eat"....the latter is true most of the time.....but the real reason is i hate to dance....and this is something i attribute to my problems with dancing.....
we all know bout the time i had a dance with a chick in class 3.....well after the dance i contracted chicken pox from somewhere.....i thought that was just a problem with the other sex...[gays dont count.....lesbians are girls].....but the real problem came up when i had to attend a girls birthday party 10-11 years ago...
so lemme make up the scene....
my family would come to calcutta with me of course during me summer i had a couple of months away from the heat and beauty of dubai....and would end up in the sweet monsoon and lame dirt of calcutta.....and as per indian tradition each day and or night we would be invited to some lame persons house for supper......nevertheless i HAD to accompany me parents most of the time....else me relatives and the like would bitch bout it all the time.....and since i have a ton o bihari relatives[i HATE BIHARIS] still prevails again...back to the aunt [the one married to me mom's bihari ...] has 7 brothers YES 7 brothers each one of em has around 2 children each and the eldest has 5......and well it was one of the 5s bdays sometime in august.....
actually it was of the eldest of the 5 who is a chick by the way...[the story has another bihari angle to will be ellaborated later on] as usual i had to go to the stupid bday....and man was it bad....
i was around 9-10 years old....and guess what at the bday there were only chix....chix i would usually like that but since most of the chix were just made me feel real i sit down silently beside me mom...[i am 2 different beasts ...depending on which public i am with]....and i am just waiting for the day to end......i ate the cake and the food and the sode pop....just end the day....
now there were a couple of guys present and they were a few years older than me....and again as indian bday parties go....boom...boom boom....musics on!....
yup every tom dick harry gujju bihari bangali....and any other ethnicity present there were dancing away to lame ass songs....which i cant remember...the next bit i do......the BIHARI aunts start jabbering away and all off a sudden ask
"Adeeeeem naaacheeee ga nahii????"
me mom knows i will do something stupid and rash and says
"nahi bonny nahi naachega"
but the biharis wont give up and they keep pestering me and me mom all the time.......
"Nachoo na beta thoda sa....please
Beta nachoo na aunty ke liye"
why the fuck would i dance for any aunty?
i would dance for britney but not any more.....coz of what happens.....they got me real rilled up when they said
"kuch dubai ka naaach dikhao"
i was like...u wanna see dubai dance...i will fucking show a dubai dance......
i get off my seat.....
the musics turned up
the dance "floor" is full o people including the 2 guys a punjabi and another me....
and since i didnt wanna offend any chicks....i start dancing around with the 2 guys......who get surprised as to why i was picture this...
i am sweating like a cow....
got no no taste no skills.....but i start dancing....shaking my ass....
flailing my arms like a rag doll...
shaking my head like buddhia [the kid marathon runner from orrissa]
not to forget my PELVIC THRUSTS
am dancing away not giving a damn as to what is on...
i make a ton of offensive gestures to everyone around.....
the punjabi guy was dancing with his legs split a little...that was an invitation for me....i slid under his legs....shaking my chest all along.....he went under me legs...i slid accross the room.....and when i was done.....
everyone was one was cheering or clapping....or moving to say the least....they were just staring.......staring like mom just came over grabbed me hand...and dragged me out of was only later i learnt my i had made a complete jackass of myself to almost everyone i knew from one side of the family....[the bihari side] mom was like
"you are never dancing again"
i replied "yes mom dont worry i aint dancing again"....and thats why i never danced or will ever dance again......
of course there were other issues caused by my dancing as that me mom never took to a girls birthday until i became 18.....
and of course the other thing which i learnt that day was how to make a complete fool out of myself....which i must say is actually the best feeling in the i do that all the time ...everyday.....thanks to dancing!
usually i end up making some lame ass excuse like "my leg hurts...." or "i had too much to eat"....the latter is true most of the time.....but the real reason is i hate to dance....and this is something i attribute to my problems with dancing.....
we all know bout the time i had a dance with a chick in class 3.....well after the dance i contracted chicken pox from somewhere.....i thought that was just a problem with the other sex...[gays dont count.....lesbians are girls].....but the real problem came up when i had to attend a girls birthday party 10-11 years ago...
so lemme make up the scene....
my family would come to calcutta with me of course during me summer i had a couple of months away from the heat and beauty of dubai....and would end up in the sweet monsoon and lame dirt of calcutta.....and as per indian tradition each day and or night we would be invited to some lame persons house for supper......nevertheless i HAD to accompany me parents most of the time....else me relatives and the like would bitch bout it all the time.....and since i have a ton o bihari relatives[i HATE BIHARIS] still prevails again...back to the aunt [the one married to me mom's bihari ...] has 7 brothers YES 7 brothers each one of em has around 2 children each and the eldest has 5......and well it was one of the 5s bdays sometime in august.....
actually it was of the eldest of the 5 who is a chick by the way...[the story has another bihari angle to will be ellaborated later on] as usual i had to go to the stupid bday....and man was it bad....
i was around 9-10 years old....and guess what at the bday there were only chix....chix i would usually like that but since most of the chix were just made me feel real i sit down silently beside me mom...[i am 2 different beasts ...depending on which public i am with]....and i am just waiting for the day to end......i ate the cake and the food and the sode pop....just end the day....
now there were a couple of guys present and they were a few years older than me....and again as indian bday parties go....boom...boom boom....musics on!....
yup every tom dick harry gujju bihari bangali....and any other ethnicity present there were dancing away to lame ass songs....which i cant remember...the next bit i do......the BIHARI aunts start jabbering away and all off a sudden ask
"Adeeeeem naaacheeee ga nahii????"
me mom knows i will do something stupid and rash and says
"nahi bonny nahi naachega"
but the biharis wont give up and they keep pestering me and me mom all the time.......
"Nachoo na beta thoda sa....please
Beta nachoo na aunty ke liye"
why the fuck would i dance for any aunty?
i would dance for britney but not any more.....coz of what happens.....they got me real rilled up when they said
"kuch dubai ka naaach dikhao"
i was like...u wanna see dubai dance...i will fucking show a dubai dance......
i get off my seat.....
the musics turned up
the dance "floor" is full o people including the 2 guys a punjabi and another me....
and since i didnt wanna offend any chicks....i start dancing around with the 2 guys......who get surprised as to why i was picture this...
i am sweating like a cow....
got no no taste no skills.....but i start dancing....shaking my ass....
flailing my arms like a rag doll...
shaking my head like buddhia [the kid marathon runner from orrissa]
not to forget my PELVIC THRUSTS
am dancing away not giving a damn as to what is on...
i make a ton of offensive gestures to everyone around.....
the punjabi guy was dancing with his legs split a little...that was an invitation for me....i slid under his legs....shaking my chest all along.....he went under me legs...i slid accross the room.....and when i was done.....
everyone was one was cheering or clapping....or moving to say the least....they were just staring.......staring like mom just came over grabbed me hand...and dragged me out of was only later i learnt my i had made a complete jackass of myself to almost everyone i knew from one side of the family....[the bihari side] mom was like
"you are never dancing again"
i replied "yes mom dont worry i aint dancing again"....and thats why i never danced or will ever dance again......
of course there were other issues caused by my dancing as that me mom never took to a girls birthday until i became 18.....
and of course the other thing which i learnt that day was how to make a complete fool out of myself....which i must say is actually the best feeling in the i do that all the time ...everyday.....thanks to dancing!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
The Chronicles of Hairnia
While i was in Dubai i had this one place to get me a haircut,nice place,completely AC.....hell man the barber would give me a candy bar after me haircut ,nice comfy chair,good clean know a proper place for a haircut.....all for like 10 Dirhams or if you convert it now its like 70 bucks......but i didnt go to the palce coz it was nice and decent...i would go coz of its close proximity to my house........
so when i shifted to calcutta....i knew i was gonna be in for a rough ride........first of all none of the barbershops near me house had any such thing like an the first couple of times me dad took me to the barbers.....then one week i decided fuck that i will go on my own....i dont need no dad.......
now we must get one thing clear.....earlier i wouldnt wear me glasses while i went to the barbers.....for some reason i dont know....i just woudnt wear off i went for a haircut........this happened in around 2003
now in me old locality there were a ton of afghanistanis and all....not in Dubai but in Calcutta....yes the infamous Jamal will know bout it as soon as you go as i was saying there were two places for getting a haircut since i never wore me glasses to the place...i coudlnt differentiete one from the i went into usual they guys were just sitting bout eating their breakfast........
"baetho bhai baetho.........naashta karle ......"
so i sat.....after a few minutes the guy gets up and says.....
"achcha aapke baaal ka rang kya kare?
red....ya gold?"
i got the fuck out of i went into the next place....this place would be my spot for haircutting for the next 3 years or so...before i shifted out of the hell hole.....
now this second place....was another crap heap.....broken haircuts[the reason i went there in the first place].....and often they would not have any no fans or nothing.......i would sweat like a turkey on thanksgiving.......and the thing that really pissed me off was their sense of hygeine ......they had a really bad sense....i mean all the barbers their had a cold no matter what time of the year you went....summer....yes...winter...yes.....monsoon....yes......which woudnt be a problem.....but then idiots would always cough on the hair cutting "utensils"....coughing on the metal objects is bad enough ....they wouldnt even wash em off....hell they would directly use the same on me if i was real lucky....they would sneeze on me as well....but no apologies or anything.....they all have a work to do after all....fucking assholes
hell man and the abuses they would hurl at one was almost like a bunch of poets at a i wouldnt feel uncomfortable at all....coz i have practiced the art of abusing in 3 languages.....hindi,bengali and english.....but you know no one shld be abusing all the time[cept me and me pals of we do have some limits...] but these people would just go on and on and on and they were gonna get a noble prize for literature.....the last thing i remember bout them assholes is that they once said
"aapka baal kutta ka doom ke tarah hai.....har waqt khara ho jaata hai"
son of a bitch just do your job....leave the wisecracks to me....asshole
so a few years later i shifted to a better locale.....a better housing complex....better class of people.....better locality does not ensure a better hair cut........i go to the "new" place....which is just slightly better than the old one....or so i usual they dont have electricity whenever i go......or the sneeze on me while doing their job....the abusing is still they are biharis cutting my hair......they often botch up my hair......but now at least i wear me glasses to the place....coz am real scared of getting run over by some car.....
now i have this other problem....for some reason i just wont get my haircut done when people want me me dad oftens screams and shouts out loud for me to get me hair cut done....
"get it done by saturday.....or else you wont have a house to come back to"
i just dont feel like gettin it done on that said day....and i dont do this coz its me dad...even when me mom or granny or any other person i know tells me to get a haircut ...i just wont ......
but when i do set my mind for the task i will get it done no matter what happens.....
recently i decided to get my haircut on a thursday.....and i went to the place....they had no the guy asked me to come later....i said
"no way......aaaj hi baaaal kato nahin toh main 2 mahine baad aaoonga"
so thanks to my stubborness i was the only person gettin a haircut on that day....people would come and walk away seeing that they would die of the heat.....and they were wondering as to why a freak was cutting his hair my barber was so pissed....he kept on sayin....
"aaap kal nahin aa sakte hai?....kal aa jate toh achcha hota"
i would be like
"just do your job.....aapna kaam karo na"
and so he continued on ..............sloggin away in the heat.....poor bloke....i did tip him that should cheer him up......
hell i didnt wanna go to the barbers so bad....that i was asking all me relatives if they would cut my hair......i also said...they would not be liable for any thing they do to me hair....but no one took me offer.....
so to all you people...the offer is still open....gimme any God Damn haircut me own home of are free to do what you want....coz i really dont wanna go to the barbers any more.....
really i dont........
so when i shifted to calcutta....i knew i was gonna be in for a rough ride........first of all none of the barbershops near me house had any such thing like an the first couple of times me dad took me to the barbers.....then one week i decided fuck that i will go on my own....i dont need no dad.......
now we must get one thing clear.....earlier i wouldnt wear me glasses while i went to the barbers.....for some reason i dont know....i just woudnt wear off i went for a haircut........this happened in around 2003
now in me old locality there were a ton of afghanistanis and all....not in Dubai but in Calcutta....yes the infamous Jamal will know bout it as soon as you go as i was saying there were two places for getting a haircut since i never wore me glasses to the place...i coudlnt differentiete one from the i went into usual they guys were just sitting bout eating their breakfast........
"baetho bhai baetho.........naashta karle ......"
so i sat.....after a few minutes the guy gets up and says.....
"achcha aapke baaal ka rang kya kare?
red....ya gold?"
i got the fuck out of i went into the next place....this place would be my spot for haircutting for the next 3 years or so...before i shifted out of the hell hole.....
now this second place....was another crap heap.....broken haircuts[the reason i went there in the first place].....and often they would not have any no fans or nothing.......i would sweat like a turkey on thanksgiving.......and the thing that really pissed me off was their sense of hygeine ......they had a really bad sense....i mean all the barbers their had a cold no matter what time of the year you went....summer....yes...winter...yes.....monsoon....yes......which woudnt be a problem.....but then idiots would always cough on the hair cutting "utensils"....coughing on the metal objects is bad enough ....they wouldnt even wash em off....hell they would directly use the same on me if i was real lucky....they would sneeze on me as well....but no apologies or anything.....they all have a work to do after all....fucking assholes
hell man and the abuses they would hurl at one was almost like a bunch of poets at a i wouldnt feel uncomfortable at all....coz i have practiced the art of abusing in 3 languages.....hindi,bengali and english.....but you know no one shld be abusing all the time[cept me and me pals of we do have some limits...] but these people would just go on and on and on and they were gonna get a noble prize for literature.....the last thing i remember bout them assholes is that they once said
"aapka baal kutta ka doom ke tarah hai.....har waqt khara ho jaata hai"
son of a bitch just do your job....leave the wisecracks to me....asshole
so a few years later i shifted to a better locale.....a better housing complex....better class of people.....better locality does not ensure a better hair cut........i go to the "new" place....which is just slightly better than the old one....or so i usual they dont have electricity whenever i go......or the sneeze on me while doing their job....the abusing is still they are biharis cutting my hair......they often botch up my hair......but now at least i wear me glasses to the place....coz am real scared of getting run over by some car.....
now i have this other problem....for some reason i just wont get my haircut done when people want me me dad oftens screams and shouts out loud for me to get me hair cut done....
"get it done by saturday.....or else you wont have a house to come back to"
i just dont feel like gettin it done on that said day....and i dont do this coz its me dad...even when me mom or granny or any other person i know tells me to get a haircut ...i just wont ......
but when i do set my mind for the task i will get it done no matter what happens.....
recently i decided to get my haircut on a thursday.....and i went to the place....they had no the guy asked me to come later....i said
"no way......aaaj hi baaaal kato nahin toh main 2 mahine baad aaoonga"
so thanks to my stubborness i was the only person gettin a haircut on that day....people would come and walk away seeing that they would die of the heat.....and they were wondering as to why a freak was cutting his hair my barber was so pissed....he kept on sayin....
"aaap kal nahin aa sakte hai?....kal aa jate toh achcha hota"
i would be like
"just do your job.....aapna kaam karo na"
and so he continued on ..............sloggin away in the heat.....poor bloke....i did tip him that should cheer him up......
hell i didnt wanna go to the barbers so bad....that i was asking all me relatives if they would cut my hair......i also said...they would not be liable for any thing they do to me hair....but no one took me offer.....
so to all you people...the offer is still open....gimme any God Damn haircut me own home of are free to do what you want....coz i really dont wanna go to the barbers any more.....
really i dont........
Monday, July 6, 2009
The Curse
I dont have too many superstitious beliefs ,there are the occasional little gimmicks i do pull out for some reason or another....which have become a part and parcel of my life....not that i want to do em but i am a little sceptical as to the part where if i dont do it like i have always done it my day will go i guess i am a little bit superstitious know the things i do are like
1:gargle only by multiples of 2....
2:hammer my shoes on the floor before i put em on
3:wear the same underwear for my entire exam routine
4:not to cut me nails during me exams
5:and also not to cut me hair during the same
so for all of these "precautions" i still have this massive huge fucking curse on me....
and the curse has been going strong for the last 10 or so lets get it started
the Curse is called the "ELECTRONIC CURSE"....where for some reason whatever electrical device i own or even touch must go bust sometime or another no mater how hard i try to keep electronic gadgets safe they always go bust.......
it all started in '97 when i was in first electronic thingy was a know that stupid virtual pet everyone was having at that was the FAD of the year and all that jazz......the thing worked like a charm but after 2 months it went bust.....and it couldnt get repaired.......fine i thought nothing massive.......
the real curse began when i came back to Calcutta....i brought my ps1 along with me after we came to cal......and wouldnt you know it right after 4 months of shifting to cal....the ps1 broke.....this was in 2002......well i thought it was fine coz i had the ps1 for like 3 years?
what the fuck how the hell did the ps1 get jacked up right after 4 months of staying in cal.....i layed the blame on me bihari relatives and the curse they put on it......
moving 2003 i got a ps2 from Dubai......WHOPPPEEEEEE......which again worked ass kickinglee good....until it went bust in around 2005.....and although it did get fixed by the "authorised sony service station" twice it broke again then i got it modded and now it broke again just a few weeks back
which leads me to the next and probably the saddest days of my life right now...
the gem of my life....the one thing i thought that wouldnt leave me....would love me no matter what.....just passed away...[actually passed away 6 fucking months ago....was in mourning]....the ps3......yeah i was lucky enough to own a ps3[thanks a ton dad] especially shipped from the US of A.......and for all my luck it was shit here we go...
the ps3 i got was a jap NTSC version which for all you NOOBs out there means that i coudlnt play any of the old ps2 original games i had coz they were the PAL european version....fair enough
i coudlnt make head or fucking tail of the manual coz it was in fucking jap......the only good thing bout the ps3 was that it wasnt a bitch to was real easy to use and plus i got the ps3 with the largest memory space...the 80 gig one.....
i got me ps3 a few months after the release of the console all around the world so as i said i was real lucky......this was in 2007 i guess maybe a little earlier i was real i bought the ps3 instead of the xbox 360 coz of the failure issues.....we all the RROD for the 360s[The RED RING OF DEATH] thats the thing that made me stay with sony...that and my stupid idiotic brand loyalty thingy........
so as i was saying a few months after my ps3 came i started reading bout some ps3s going bust.....but that was less than 1% they was called the YLOD....[yellow light of death]....which meant that the ps3 is broke "a complete hardware failure".....i didnt read much into that but wouldnt you know it ....the YLOD only happened to the "JAP NTSC 80 GIG PS3S" and i had one.....and of all the things my ps3 worked great for like a year and just when it was out of the warranty zone......wham!....i get the YLOD...with Fifa 09 stuck inside the fucking blue ray drive......that shit got me real depressed....and i still havent recovered......hopefully the ps3 will get fixed as i just sent it to the sony service center today
and here is a list of some other electronic devices i somehow screwed up
2:Dvd player
4:Robot Pet
5:Gameboy Color
6:Computer[Multiple times...i blame trojans for this though]
1:gargle only by multiples of 2....
2:hammer my shoes on the floor before i put em on
3:wear the same underwear for my entire exam routine
4:not to cut me nails during me exams
5:and also not to cut me hair during the same
so for all of these "precautions" i still have this massive huge fucking curse on me....
and the curse has been going strong for the last 10 or so lets get it started
the Curse is called the "ELECTRONIC CURSE"....where for some reason whatever electrical device i own or even touch must go bust sometime or another no mater how hard i try to keep electronic gadgets safe they always go bust.......
it all started in '97 when i was in first electronic thingy was a know that stupid virtual pet everyone was having at that was the FAD of the year and all that jazz......the thing worked like a charm but after 2 months it went bust.....and it couldnt get repaired.......fine i thought nothing massive.......
the real curse began when i came back to Calcutta....i brought my ps1 along with me after we came to cal......and wouldnt you know it right after 4 months of shifting to cal....the ps1 broke.....this was in 2002......well i thought it was fine coz i had the ps1 for like 3 years?
what the fuck how the hell did the ps1 get jacked up right after 4 months of staying in cal.....i layed the blame on me bihari relatives and the curse they put on it......
moving 2003 i got a ps2 from Dubai......WHOPPPEEEEEE......which again worked ass kickinglee good....until it went bust in around 2005.....and although it did get fixed by the "authorised sony service station" twice it broke again then i got it modded and now it broke again just a few weeks back
which leads me to the next and probably the saddest days of my life right now...
the gem of my life....the one thing i thought that wouldnt leave me....would love me no matter what.....just passed away...[actually passed away 6 fucking months ago....was in mourning]....the ps3......yeah i was lucky enough to own a ps3[thanks a ton dad] especially shipped from the US of A.......and for all my luck it was shit here we go...
the ps3 i got was a jap NTSC version which for all you NOOBs out there means that i coudlnt play any of the old ps2 original games i had coz they were the PAL european version....fair enough
i coudlnt make head or fucking tail of the manual coz it was in fucking jap......the only good thing bout the ps3 was that it wasnt a bitch to was real easy to use and plus i got the ps3 with the largest memory space...the 80 gig one.....
i got me ps3 a few months after the release of the console all around the world so as i said i was real lucky......this was in 2007 i guess maybe a little earlier i was real i bought the ps3 instead of the xbox 360 coz of the failure issues.....we all the RROD for the 360s[The RED RING OF DEATH] thats the thing that made me stay with sony...that and my stupid idiotic brand loyalty thingy........
so as i was saying a few months after my ps3 came i started reading bout some ps3s going bust.....but that was less than 1% they was called the YLOD....[yellow light of death]....which meant that the ps3 is broke "a complete hardware failure".....i didnt read much into that but wouldnt you know it ....the YLOD only happened to the "JAP NTSC 80 GIG PS3S" and i had one.....and of all the things my ps3 worked great for like a year and just when it was out of the warranty zone......wham!....i get the YLOD...with Fifa 09 stuck inside the fucking blue ray drive......that shit got me real depressed....and i still havent recovered......hopefully the ps3 will get fixed as i just sent it to the sony service center today
and here is a list of some other electronic devices i somehow screwed up
2:Dvd player
4:Robot Pet
5:Gameboy Color
6:Computer[Multiple times...i blame trojans for this though]
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Breast Feeding
Now we all know how important it is for a child to grow big and strong,drinking milk is a very important part of it,not to mention breast feeding by the again we start off this episode in me school
the time when Father Raj know when our principal got sacked[who had gotten cozy in a bed with another teacher],the time when our evs teacher accused a accounts sir of sexual harassment ....hell the time when we found a condom beneath the bio lab and around a 100 students surrounded it....the crowd had to be dispersed by the Vice princi,who was a douche bag.......ahh yes the GOLDEN DAYS
so as per normal all the class 12 students with the class 11 students were lined up for the assembly,we had Father Raj as usual blabber out some cock and bull story teaching us some stupid moral which we may never ever understand anyways,
my class was as usual perfect in line coz our douche sir Tiku wanted to impress the authorita[looking at you cartman] and as usual the commerce section guys were just lying about here and there.....having no praticular class......jabbering away as much as they liked without any consequences which we science students hated....i mean how come they never fell into trouble for thei nonsense and we did?
well this day changed that just a bit and out of it came a fuckingly funny incident
so on this day not only did FATHER RAJ make an appearence but also BARRY O BRIAN.....yes the same guy who is the brother of DEREK O BRIAN,noted Quiz master and Trinamul congress pollitician......Barry had come coz he was part of the school board or on a hot summers day mr brian[who was and is really obese...i mean he has moobies,[man boobs] a huge potbelly you get the picture] the poor bloke is sweating the heat melting literally and he is pink in color....coz of the heat and his fair skin tone........
so back to the best bit....hameed[yes he seems to be part of all that was funny yet wrong in STB] is chatting away with another pal of hameed was standing behind a huge guy so he cldnt be easily spotted but the other bloke was seen quite easily ....laughin away at all the crap hameed was sayin....i know coz i was standing right next to hameed....this next bit was amazing......
so barry sees the other bloke talking and laughing and shouts out
Barry slapped the living daylights out of the guy but that was a victory for the "disciplined" people like me....the real deal was when the bloke was goin up to the stage hameed makes a smart ass comment to the guy who was scared as it is
oh to go back to the glory days.......
the time when Father Raj know when our principal got sacked[who had gotten cozy in a bed with another teacher],the time when our evs teacher accused a accounts sir of sexual harassment ....hell the time when we found a condom beneath the bio lab and around a 100 students surrounded it....the crowd had to be dispersed by the Vice princi,who was a douche bag.......ahh yes the GOLDEN DAYS
so as per normal all the class 12 students with the class 11 students were lined up for the assembly,we had Father Raj as usual blabber out some cock and bull story teaching us some stupid moral which we may never ever understand anyways,
my class was as usual perfect in line coz our douche sir Tiku wanted to impress the authorita[looking at you cartman] and as usual the commerce section guys were just lying about here and there.....having no praticular class......jabbering away as much as they liked without any consequences which we science students hated....i mean how come they never fell into trouble for thei nonsense and we did?
well this day changed that just a bit and out of it came a fuckingly funny incident
so on this day not only did FATHER RAJ make an appearence but also BARRY O BRIAN.....yes the same guy who is the brother of DEREK O BRIAN,noted Quiz master and Trinamul congress pollitician......Barry had come coz he was part of the school board or on a hot summers day mr brian[who was and is really obese...i mean he has moobies,[man boobs] a huge potbelly you get the picture] the poor bloke is sweating the heat melting literally and he is pink in color....coz of the heat and his fair skin tone........
so back to the best bit....hameed[yes he seems to be part of all that was funny yet wrong in STB] is chatting away with another pal of hameed was standing behind a huge guy so he cldnt be easily spotted but the other bloke was seen quite easily ....laughin away at all the crap hameed was sayin....i know coz i was standing right next to hameed....this next bit was amazing......
so barry sees the other bloke talking and laughing and shouts out
Barry slapped the living daylights out of the guy but that was a victory for the "disciplined" people like me....the real deal was when the bloke was goin up to the stage hameed makes a smart ass comment to the guy who was scared as it is
oh to go back to the glory days.......
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