Q.A.M aint some special task force ,they aint like the R.A.F[the rapid action force which gets deployed in certain dangerous regions to control the crowds]...no my friends i am goin to introduce all of you to a freak,idiot,loser....unlike myself of course....all my freakiness is classy not crassy......so QAM is/was and unfortunately will always be..Quazi Abdul Mabud....he was one of me class mates for a year in the lovely little city called STB[St thomas boys for all you ignorant losers]....now QAM was not like the normal STb guys ...which isnt a good thing....he was more like most of the people i seem to meet in calcutta[i will get to that in me later blogs]....
I met the bloke in class 8 when i first came to calcutta.....a decent enough guy he was,,,athletic,dark skinned....but nevertheless a good bloke....at least that was the first impression of him that i got....of course he turned out to be a pain rite up the asshole.....like a 12 inch cock up a virgins ass....thats the kinda pain he has become....
why do i hate him ? i hate almost everyone but some people just have a special place in me heart like this guy[more people are gonna get ripped soon].....
for one this guy thinks he is the greatest thing to ever happen to our school,people tend to forget the greatest thing to happen in our school is actually our proximity to kidderpore....and its people of course......so now i will give you all true incidents as i always do......
1: he always tries to be a teachers pet:i remember once his mother was very ill.....now a normal person is not expected to be cheerful and rosy all the while...i know there will be doom and gloom rite on their face...this bloke went to a teacher for no apparent fucking reason....blurted out his "sad" thing and then the sir told us that we should sympathize with/for him.....i dont know why the fuck will i let everyone know if i am having a shit time in life......but still i can give him the benefit of the doubt for this one case
2:during an examination in STB....a peon came over to check on the different electrical devices in the classroom...coz we had a habit of destroying school property......and one fan was not working coz the blades were bent almost to 90 degrees.......so the peon tried blaming us......but we shot back saying we didnt do it.....when later a teacher asked us outside the class as to what had happened.....QAM jumped on his cheap ass and started letting the teacher know everything in his broke ass english and then tried to show the fucking fan in its right angled position
"madam.....the fan is laik theeeees"[i know the correct spelling of all words in quotes but i gotta explain as to how this loser would speak]
3:sports :since the guy was pretty athletic he was made the house captain or some shit like dat.....so every time he would threaten the then fat kid me....
"i will make you march all day.....you hae to take part"
"you have to be the 'anchor' for the tug of war"
this would happen every year
4:the l'aura':since the guy was later made as the school vice captian.....really he was .....he had this shit hole aura bout him....thinking he was probably one of the best students around in STB....and so he had "authority"....i took care of that
so one day while we the class 12 students were returning home after our exams....some class 5-6 kids saw QAM....and they started you know oogling him...
"look look its the school vice captain"
"he must be relly respected"
"how can we be like you?"
they asked him
the dumbass actually replied back
"hard work and study well....then you can be like me"
fucking douche bag never was ranked even in the top ten in any class....probably failed KG as well....so i took care of levelling the field
i shot back
"yeh yeh hai humlog ka vice captain?
he cant do anything......nothing he can do.....bloody useless fucker......."
and of course followed by my loud obnoxious laugh....[which took a lot of years of training]........the kids also started to laugh...so did a few of me pals......
QAM retorted back....
"Adeem if you dont stop...i will make you cry..."
yeah like by talking away all me porno....dumb loser.......
he even called me once for help coz he was...get this.....watching porno over the internet with a pal in his pal's place....and he couldnt delete the "history" from the internet explorer.....
i replied "i cant help you....i use firefox...."
the king of all comebacks was of course shot out by babla.....while we were in class 12....there was this huge john cena hype...he had this "i quit" match.....so QAM comes over to us and starts blabbering away in his cheap ass english...
"blah blah blah.....when i am done with you ...you will have two words to say.......
babla retorts
"no the words will be
that shut him up for good......
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