Our college is certainly one which tries hard to make it better for the students. From the courses available to the faculty teaching us, not all of it is perfect, this ain't a perfect world but the work done is not half bad. There are a few massive glitches in this process though, the authorities expect us to be the next Branson or Mallya or Azim Premji, you catch my drift. We on the other hand are more close to becoming kameenas and all rather than becoming the great entrepreneurs people expect us to be.
We have these special corporate connect classes where eminent people from various backgrounds come and give us a session about what the industry wants, their experiences and teach us about stuff like the eurozone debt crises or at least they attempt to.
What happens often is the said external faculty is too freaking good for us, we have no idea what is being said not because the person has some funny accent, all Indians have funny accents, its because this person knows way too much and tries to teach us on a level which is on a par with the Harvards and MITs . Sadly we are not even close to that level cos none of us really want to study and learn stuff till we are in the deep end of the pool.
These sessions are long and tedious, I mean they are often so boring that I can sleep with my eyes open. Hell we even have learned how to shut off our senses, eyes ,ears and mind don't work for that 90 minute session. 90 minutes at least, it often extends longer, when we humans have an attention span of like 30 seconds and I have an attention span of like 10 seconds, that is not a good outing for either, the faculty or us.
So how do we combat the boredom and utter frustration of listening to people talk about stuff that goes over our head? We Clap, we clap like there is no end to the day. Often the faculty is introduced by a professor, so after he is done, everyone in our class, around 100 people clap like hell, for 2-3 minutes, till we are asked to stop, we clap, we cheer, we scream , we obliterate every decibel level for a corporate building and we destroy every bit of self esteem that person has and we act like the shameless punks we are.
If you think that doing this once was bad enough , we take it to another level when the person is done with his speech and a memento is given to him, then we go ballistic , clapping our asses off, the people who do come to talk to us start blushing and silently tries to walk away but we are never done with this kinda crap and continue clapping.
The final insult that could be provided is after the clapping, instead of letting out guest leave the class, we all pack our bags and rush out like school children rather than the mature 22+ year olds we are. Totally not caring for all authorita and seniority in the corporate world. Often these people never come back to the college and we all know why, now.
So there you have it, corporate world, get ready for an influx of hard clappers and abusers, coz we be invading offices starting January 2012, no wonder the world is ending in that year.
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