This happened way back when we were in class 11. For reasons to save myself from getting a hammering I won't be posting the name of the friend who had to deal with what happens next.
It was a fine morning and I guess it was a day off from school. This was the era when we had just found what a great thing Orkut is/was. While we all joined with the notion of keeping in contact with each other post us leaving school, it ended up as a sad and sick way just to try and add "friends".
Those crummy, spine tingling, shuddering days of guys just trying to add random girls in hope of getting some action still freak me out. Basically any girls' profile on the site was up for grabs.
As long as they were within our age group and was single, even not in certain cases, they would get a friend request and well you know the rest. Maagibaazi FTW!.
So most of us actually had like 300 friends for no reason and most of them were females in hope of getting a girl, so this friend of mine was/is no different and he too had a ton of female friends on his list.
He calls me up and his tone is a little shaky to start with,
"Adeem, you know what has happened?"
"Nah , kya hua, tell me...."
"Arrey dude, My orkut profile has been hacked"
I immediately start laughing my ass off, thinking that hacking a profile is only done to get credit card details and trying to completely wipe out your finances.
"Who the fuck wants to hack your profile?" I ask back, nevertheless me pal does come across to my place and logs into orkut.
While the page is loading he tells me
"Dude, some one has hacked my profile and they have changed my profile picture, its disturbing and now all these friends are taking me off the friend list and .....shit look at the photo man .......looook."
I turn to the screen and I have this face of shock which is succeeded by a loud laugh, its a picture of a girl ( a teenager) is holding this ginormous cock.
Pedo alert!
So his scraps are filled with "friends" (females) asking him to either delete the photo, change it and then warning him that he will be removed from their list.
So while he is on the mend trying to find out who has hacked his profile,my dad walks in and asks me whats going on.
I am thinking to myself , "Please don't open your trap man, don't tell my dad about the picture"
My friend goes "Uncle, you have no idea, someone has hacked my profile and changed my picture to....."
Crap man, don't blurt it out.
Fortunately my friend had the presence of mind to avoid describing the picture and replaced it with "a dirty picture".
While he could never recover his profile completely, the one lasting image (images) of this fiasco are those pesky profile viewers. Here are a couple of gems who "viewed" and added him on Orkut.
Cool Sexy Handsome Hunk
and amongst the plethora of sexually perverted people viewing his profile was the champion
To this day, we have not been able to forget this one profile viewer and I believe the same profile tried to add my friend on Facebook as well.
Momo anyone?