Saturday, July 16, 2011

The start of it all

While most of my best friends know the tale of the creation of the greatest tagline in the history of STB , "Jeet ke aaoge!". Most of the others are completely oblivious about the great rich history that surrounds it, so for those people who have no idea, I will tell you a tale , one which does not allow you to fail.

It all started way back 15 summers ago, a small kid in an unknown land ,searching for who he could be, what he could do in a foreign land. The only solace he had was coming back from from the torment of school in the afternoon. While he did get used to the freaky timings and all, his parents being Indian were never quite happy enough with just school, off he would be sent to music school as well in the morning, he would eventually become a sort of show and tell where relatives would ask him to play something, this did not make him happy at all.

While his plan was just to survive school and the heat of the foreign land, his parents wanted him to grow and learn things hence when they got the news of "elocution's" being held in school,the poor boy was asked to join that as well. People forget that this kid was one of the best students in class and always got a certificate of merit for doing extremely well in studies, but as usual for Indian parents that was never enough.

So off the kid went for elocution trails and wouldn't you know it, he always got through, hell , became elocution champ in the school for a good 6 years, so yeah he was good. His mom was always the pillar who supported the freak of nature no matter what and to give him a boost and to try and calm him down she would always let him know it didn't matter if he won or lost," Do you best aur jeetne ka koshish karo, koi fark nahin parta, you just enjoy", those were her words always.

Fast forward to now, while the kid has grown up a bit, only physically, he has stopped going to crap assed competitions although a lotta credit does go to the earlier competitions for making him the freak he has now become, so one day a pal of his goes for some music competition and for good luck the kid blurts out
"dude, you must win, you can win, JEET KE AAOGE!", that was the start of the crazy one liner which the kid brings into every time he does talk to anyone.

Jeet ke aaoge now is a lifestyle, which means no matter what you are doing, eating food, sleeping, going for a walk, going to the loo, wanking(especially wanking), playing football, making notes, waking up in the morning, you get the picture now, that is why the best way to wish a person or even say good bye is by saying "Jeet ke aaoge!". Always gives them that warm fuzzy feeling which people like and is not gay in anyway.

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