This isnt a post about some retard brother of Bruce lee or some stupid indian Pj about a lee,this is a post about one of my best friends ever ,probably my first best
friend from Calcutta,a certain Rohit Sarkar.We first met in 8E of a certain St Thomas Boys school,the most notorious of all schools in Calcutta,but he wasnt like the typical STB students,rather he was cultured,respectable,soft spoken and the like,that all changed with our friendship though.
I remember the first time i talked to him regarding a notebook i had borrowed from him,the entire day i had been abused by every numbskull in the class just because my hindi wasnt good and i would talk about Dubai all the time[anyone would when they came from Dubai and had to study in STB] so as i expected a barrage of khankee ,chodu,chutia and the like,when i returned the book and said "Thank you",he replied "Mention not ,Please",Wow i didnt get abused,gotta be friends with this guy,i thought and that i did.
Rohit is one of the shortest people i know but that hasnt hurt him in his IQ and studies,the most intelligent person i have probably met,smart and kickass in studies,i remember he scored around 96% in ISC and he missed topping our school by some 6-7 marks,i ripped into him calling him a disgrace to the bengali heritage and that he cant ever show his face to his parents,should commit suicide and that i cant call him a friend anymore,because i was ashamed to be his pal,he retorted back.
"Tum laura kitna laya? 70%? sala chutia"
True but still coming first is the only thing for a bengali.
A brilliant sportsperson as well,cricket,football were two of his passions,he was a pretty good cricketer too,played for the bengal U something side for a long time,
he considered himself to be the Arjen Robben of school,sala Manc jumped ship to Chelski for the money,douchebag of the best kind i guess.We would often play on his terrace we included Babla,Nagu,Manko man and I,brilliant footballing ,the scoreline would often read 20-19 or some shit like that,and after the game when all of us would be sweaty and tired *poof* ,off went his shirt and he would start doing push ups for no fucking reason.A typical STB retard i guess.
OF course since he is a bengali just studies and sports wouldnt cut it for him,so he was also a prefect and would take part in almost every competition possible
As the great Ricky Bobby said "First or Last',that seemed to be this blokes motto as well,taking part in everything and trying to Win[so i guess Jeet ke aaoge was
in him from back then].He was so happy when he heard that he was going to host the first every spelling bee of our school,he would taunt us and bloat about him
hosting the shit hole event so much our ears bled,he started bloating about it around 2 weeks before the bee,that turd KC[our english maam] gave him the honor of being the first ever host of the bee and all.
The big day came and we were all in the crowd,waiting to see what Chintoo would do,he came on stage and as soon as he was about to start the round,after taking the introductions KC came on stage and she started hosting the show,Rohit spent the next 90 minutes just passing the mike from one participant to another,he was so embarrassed,but we well more specifically I wasnt let him off the hook so easily,taunted the poor bloke to death,that was certainly amazing,a few weeks later however he took his revenge while i was standing answering a question and i tried to sit down,he pulled the chair from beneath me and smack a fat guy fell and hit his head real fucking hard on the desk behind him,the whole class loled like hell,and Buladi[maths teacher] gave him a roasting,most people didnt give a shit to what Buladi said,so it really didnt matter.
He is acredited by creating one of the best oneliners i heard,when Buladi was about to hit someone with a ruler [this was in class 12] he shouted "Maar Randi Maar", brilliant.He is also called the Silent Assassin,not because he is some sort of martial artist but because of KC and me yet again,this time in class she was naming the students who would score 90 in ISC atleast in English,Aman,Achin,Ranjeet,Rishab,Adil,Sumit,Ramnik,and then a pause,now rohit sat near the window and i sat beside him,so he was covered by my big frame and all,KC says
"Where is that little boy? Rohit .......OOOOOOOOHhhhhhhh there he is sitting like a silent boy in the corner,a silent fellow he is too" in her crummy made up british wannabe accent
"Silent" i though,and i start talking in the same british cunt accent that KC was "OOOOOOHHHHHHH Rohit is a silent Assassin because he will score a 90 in ISC english,Silent assassin kills people by riding his cycle ,wow what a silent assassin,oooooooohhhhhh you little cheeky devil"
Cheeky devil he may be,but he is one of my best friends and now he is studying in NITK Suratkal,malluland as i call it,so whenever he comes back to cal he comes with his mallu english accent which we try to fix,and he goes back there with a fixed accent and then fucks it agains when he reaches there.
Oh and one more thing,people blame me for talking about porno all the time and all,but most people dont know that it was this clean little punk who got me started
with the porno surfing.
"Google >Pictures>Advanced settings>Turn Safety Filter off>Search for any female actors name + nude"
You horny cheeky bastard you.