People may think that I am the gadget freak in my group, especially since I have a lot of gaming systems and stuff but the truth is Manko man is the guy who owns the gadgets or at least the one who gets the newest gadgets first. He was the first amongst us to get one of those uber sexy cool phones, the Nokia X6 and he showed it off to me on the first or second day. The idiot that I am or the idiot that he is, he let me hold the device and I flicked the lock switch so damn hard that I made it way too loose for him to use it, I broke it apparently and he learned a valuable lesson of never giving me any new shiny device unless it was at least 3-4 months old.
Manko also was the guy who got the iPod, a Samsung Tablet, a Blackberry, oh I could go on and on and on. Recently he told me he wanted to buy a camera to capture the world and have it in his hands, from previous blogs you would know how much I hate getting photos taken and all.
So here I am thinking my friend is going to burn around 20 K in buying a top line digital camera, I mean that is the one thing that would strike your mind, "hey I want to take pictures of random things because I am not a professional photographer, so lets just buy a decent digital camera to get on with it".
Of course we are not talking about a normal set of people here, my group is filled with idiotic freaks including yours truly. So Manko tells me he wants to buy one of them DSLR cameras. You know the one which has that huge lens and looks like it was made by someone with no idea of what proportions are. Them hideous looking cameras where everyone who owns one thinks they are going to take some really award winning, ware correspondent, earth shattering, gravity defying, life changing, peace bringing, money making, change inducing, thought provoking, tear jerking photograph. It never happens that way but let them believe so.
Manko does buy the said camera, again I do not really have much of a problem with that, ok maybe a tiny problem but nothing too serious. So I ask him,"Dude, how much was it?"
I thought I heard him say 16, it turns out the damn camera cost him a whopping 60000 Rs. Fucking hell, a PS4 does not cost as much, What the fuck was he thinking when he purchased it?
I mean, all he is going to do is take random photographs of women on the street or the clouds in the sky, the rain, the streets of calcutta, stray dogs fighting over bits of food, some black and white photos to show Calcutta in its glory, Women (again, you fucking maaga), the sunrise and sunset , since you cannot be a photographer unless you have these in your montage and of course the classic of taking close ups of beggars on the street to show their plight.
Don't get me wrong, take as many photos as you like, for all I care you might catch some incriminating photographs from your locality and you can blackmail that Uncle form the neighborhood who was up all night talking to random concubine in the middle of the street. You would hit gold but for the love of sanity and humanity (yes, I said sanity) why would you spend 60000 Rs on a camera to take some random photos and have your name as the watermark pasted below it.
For Manko and all the retards who spend this much on stupid, stupid photos.
DSLR Camera: Rs 60000
Special classes to use camera: Rs 250 per class
Being a dickhead for wasting so much money on taking photos of women,
streets, the sunrise and sunset & random clouds with a copyright
watermark at the bottom of your photos: Priceless
There are some things money can't buy but then again there are idiots like you as well.