Whoever invented work should be beaten to a pulp. I hate work, I hate the fact that I have to wake up every morning, dress up fast, reach office on time ( at least try to) and do something that I do not want to do. I guess most people feel the same unless they are doing something that they want or are just mooching off the money their family has made, nevertheless, Mondays suck ass, Tuesdays aren't any better. I guess the only reason people go to office is for the money and social pressure.
Anyways, Fridays are amazing. You know the weekend is here, you can feel this excitement tingling in your body which isn't due to you watching some hot girl twerking almost semi nude on a youtube video. Its Friday, friday and unlike the Rebecca Black song it feels fucking amazing. You walk out of office like a boss, you own the weekend , you do what you want for the two days. Unless of course you have a stupid presentation to prepare and make for that dreaded day of the week, Monday. We all have 1/7th of our life, every fucking Monday.
To make our weekends even sweeter, we folks at the 11th floor decided to have a small party. Ok, its not a small party, its the small group of people who camp right outside one of the top executives cabin who have decided to make Friday's all more memorable and enjoyable.
We ensure that every Friday one of the murgas gets slaughtered, meaning every Friday one of the group has to treat the rest of the group, the menu can be anything and it must include vegetarian and non vegetarian items, veg because 3 members of our cult are vegetarians and non veg because I fucking said so and I will not fill my tummy with vegetarian snacks, no freaking way.
Manish and I drafted a mail so that everyone is in the loop, we don't want people chickening out from their responsibilities after all that is all I get to hear in the office. "Why don't you take some responsibility? Who is responsible for this? Why do people run away from owning up and taking responsibility"
You want responsibility and ownership? You got it!
The mail is drafted and sent across to the survivors who want to bring back happiness and joy to the 11th floor. Mr Poddar, Head of Finance 11th floor, Mr K, the kind of deo ordering and overall nice guy who is the butt of all our jokes. Ms. Enakshi Podder, Assistant Head of Consumer insights, Ms. Tanya Abraham, Brand manager of VLC (11th floor only), Tuhin/Tauheen da Super head Consumer insights and then there is Naveen who seems to be developing more dark circles than those seen during Pacific Rim when the Kaijus were ravaging earth. Manish is the final piece of the puzzle, he is basically the head of Operations making sure everyone is in line and that the finance team has released the budget for bringing in the food. Of course no party is complete without a bit of craziness and thats where I come in, form ordering the food for everyone to making sure everyone is here to start the party!
Our wining and dining starts post 6:30 PM when work is a little less and the weekend feeling is coming. The food comes and everyone hogs, with me throwing in a couple of stupid veg jokes just to piss Mr K off. Then I do my little act of freaking people out by acting a little OTT, that is what gets the ball rolling.
This party helps us to relax a lot, preparing for the weekend, our menu includes momos, noodles, chicken, sandwiches, KFC. Yes even KFC is part of the menu, those are the best days but we don't complain as long we get to fill our tummies. We have to do this because the snacks we get in office are absolutely whack. By whack I mean yuck.
Unfortunately this party does have its limitations, often one member of the group is missing and that is when the party does not work out so well, we need everyone and I guess its this tight knit bunch that actually makes office more bearable than what it is. Kudos to our group for all the madness we do, without this we, well I would have been absolutely jacked in office.